Wednesday, August 29, 2007

And Another Thing!

I know. Two posts in one day? Wild woman.

I’m working on getting the Brain, Child name out there more. I’ve been working on the magazine for close to a hundred years now, and I sometimes can’t believe that there are people who haven’t heard of it, but, you know, new mothers are made every day and all that.

One idea I had was to send a copy of the magazine to people who blog. If there’s something in the fall issue that inspires a post, excellent. If not, no harm, no foul.

The fall issue should be out in the next couple weeks, and it looks mighty good. There’s a terrific, thoughtful essay by Dawn about doing her African-American daughter’s hair and the significance of that. Tracy penned a feature on the death of the soccer mom (i.e., backlash against the married woman voter with kids.) There’s an essay by Adrienne DeAngelo called “Two Lesbians and a Eunuch” that I love, love, love. Plus, various content about assisted reproductive technology, parenting with OCD, Kindermusik, how colleges treat students who are mothers, parenting a jock, and more.

Anyhoo, if you want an advanced copy, let me know, either by commenting or dropping me a line at Jennifer at, and I'll pop one in the mail as soon as I get them.


Tracy said...

Jacco needs a copy of Brain,Child, stat.

twirlygirl said...

I loved your book and would love a copy of Brain, Child. Thanks!

Melissa said...

I'd love a copy!

Anonymous said...

Damn. I missed the boat on this one. I became an official subscriber about a month ago. Looking forward to the Fall issue.

I'll spread the word in the Bible belt about Brain, Child. I have only met one Mom who is familiar with it. Tragic.

Emily Roysdon said...

I'd love a copy :)

Jennifer said...

Excellent! I just got the issue yesterday afternoon. Email me your mailing addresses, would ya? I'll run up to the P.O. today.

And Julianne, I'll pop one in the mail to you, too--maybe you can give the extra to the uninitiated?

This is me at my finests, love me or leave me. said...

I would love a copy too!

LilySea said...

I already subscribe, but I'll link this on my blog.

Anonymous said...

I came over from Peter's Cross Station.

Your mag (which I hadn't heard of, sorry!) sounds really interesting. I thought I'd ward off all "mommags" since that time I got a free copy of "Cookie" that made me puke.

Yours sounds like it is actually intelligent and has some meaty issues that interest me. So, yeah. I'd like a copy. And after reading it, I'll blog about it, too!

Mermaidgrrrl said...

Does this count for those of us in Australia, or am I dreaming? The website looks great! The only "parenting" magazine that's even partway decent here is Kindred Magazine (formerly Byronchild). I'd love to have something to read that gives me something to chew on. I'm happy to pay postage!

Anonymous said...

Can I get a copy if I'm only trying to have a kid, but haven't been successful yet? If so, I'd love one.

Katie said...

I'm in for a copy too!!

Amanda said...

I'm here from Peter's Cross and I'd love to get a copy. Thanks!

T. said...

I'm in the Netherlands and more than happy to pay postage - I'm always starved for good English reading, and what with our adoption becoming more imminent I'm looking for a magazine to subscribe to. Drop me a note on :-)

Andromeda Jazmon said...

I would love a copy! I keep hearing about it but have only read one issue. I need to see more.

Anonymous said...

Me please!

caro said...

Sign me up!

Millicent said...

Millicent and Thor would really love a copy of Brain, Child. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Email sent ;)

I've always wanted to read this! And I'll definitely review it on my blog.

Thanks so much!

Elrena said...

Lisa: ditto on Cookie!

Brain, Child is like the Cookie antidote. You'll love it. :)

Skye @ Planet Jinxatron said...

Do I qualify if I don't have a child yet? I will within the next 2 weeks or so, says the obstetrician...

Alexandra said...

I'd be interested in a copy please. Thanks!

FosterMommy said...

If Shannon raves about it, I definitely want to check it out!
I'll email you my mailing address. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I would read Dawn's grocery list. An article about Madison's hair is that much better--I'd love a copy!

Tootsie said...

Me too please!

Unknown said...

Shannon said she liked the magazine, so I would love a copy, too!

Jennifer said...

This is fab! I'll send a copy overseas--just be sure to send me you mailing addresses, okey doke?

Anonymous said...

The Brain, Child web site is in my blogroll and I think I've mentioned it in my blog. Maybe when I get my next issue I'll do a specific post. Now I just need to look at my check register and figure out if I renewed my subscription... ;)

Single PAP said...

Visting from cross station...I'd like a copy too.How shall I get you my address privately?

Jennifer said...

Drop me an email at Jennifer at practicallyperfectbook dot com, and I'll pop one in the mail!

erin said...

I would love to have a copy! Just read about it at Peters Cross Sta.

Jess said...

I'd love a copy. I'll send you an e-mail!

Leah said...

Maisie and I would love a copy, too!

Laura said...

I would love a free copy. I finally am pregnant and will probably find it more relevant than when I subscribed a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Regine and would love a copy as well.

Thank you